LibrarypodcastsCultivating culture to foster innovation and build for success

Cultivating culture to foster innovation and build for success

In regularly engaging with customers, we’ve noticed a recurring theme: culture is becoming a crucial factor in forging partnerships. Product alignment and industry expertise remain crucial, but the resonance of culture is undeniable. 

Luke Govier for Veriff Voices
Lottie Owen Jones
Head of Social Media
May 2, 2024
On this page
What is Veriff's company culture all about?
How does working for a scaling company like Veriff differ from established organizations?
What type of person thrives in Veriff's environment?
What are some challenges of working in a scaling company like Veriff?
How do you build and maintain an inclusive and diverse team?
How do you foster a culture of trust and empowerment for decision-making in Veriff?
How do you ensure Veriff's values and mission are reflected consistently in the culture?
How does Veriff incorporate benefits that encourage work-life balance and well-being?
What can we expect from Veriff's culture and people strategy in the next 12 months?

Bringing a wealth of experience to this discussion is Luke Govier, our VP of People. With a background spanning the fast-paced growth of a fintech startup and weathering challenges at global firms like WeWork, he shares firsthand accounts of how a company's culture evolves and its impact on decision-making.

To listen to the full conversation with Luke and explore more Veriff Voices podcast episodes, click here.

What is Veriff's company culture all about?

We have a strong mission at our core, guiding us through the highs and lows of scaling up. Our culture stands out for its resilience and tenacity, particularly during tough times, as we stay focused and aligned with our mission. I've found inspiration in our diverse workforce, which boasts representation from 45 different nationalities among our 300-person team. It's a testament to our commitment to bringing together the best talent from around the world and creating a unique environment that fosters diverse perspectives.

How does working for a scaling company like Veriff differ from established organizations?

In smaller or scaling companies, there's a lot of building to be done, which presents both opportunities and challenges. Unlike in larger corporations where you might feel like a cog in a well-oiled machine, in a scaling company, you can make a significant impact. However, the flip side is that things aren't always as mature or organized as they could be. On the plus side, you get the chance to work closely with leadership, including founders and top executives, which allows for greater influence and exposure to innovation and experimentation compared to larger corporate environments.

What type of person thrives in Veriff's environment?

In companies like Veriff, there's significant trust placed in employees, offering ample opportunities for career growth and reputation building. Even without prior experience, individuals can prove themselves and advance within the organization. This emphasis on innovation, particularly in tech-driven businesses like ours, allows for experimentation with new methodologies and products, fostering a culture of continuous improvement. This unique environment enables employees to make a tangible impact and pursue career paths that might not be available elsewhere.

What are some challenges of working in a scaling company like Veriff?

While there are plenty of pros to working here, it's important to acknowledge some potential challenges. For instance, while there's room for rapid career progression, you might find yourself working alongside less experienced leaders, which can be both a blessing and a curse. Additionally, our processes and maturity level are continuously evolving—while we offer the environment I described, if you thrive in rigid structures, you might feel some frustration. Finally, being part of a scaling company means navigating uncertainties; while we're financially stable, job security isn't as guaranteed as it might be in more established firms. For those with personalities and goals align, these challenges can be seen as opportunities for growth.

How do you build and maintain an inclusive and diverse team with a consistent basis that allows for pivoting in different directions, especially considering the deliberate unseen work behind the scenes?

The key to DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging) is not just meeting quotas or targeting underrepresented traits in hiring. It's about fostering equality, inclusivity, and belonging. Without these, people may join but feel they don't fit and leave, perpetuating this cycle. In environments like ours with diverse representation, inclusivity becomes inherent, leading to rich cultural exchange and understanding. While intentionality is crucial, addressing all four aspects is essential. Simply posting on specialized job boards isn't enough; a comprehensive strategy is needed for meaningful change.

Simply posting on specialized job boards isn't enough; a comprehensive strategy is needed for meaningful change.

Luke Govier

How do you foster a culture of trust and empowerment for decision-making in Veriff?

I found some valuable insights in the Netflix book, particularly the "informed captain" principle, which emphasizes pushing decision-making to the most informed individuals within the company. Unlike traditional top-down approaches, this method fosters accountability and often leads to better outcomes. Leaders' role is to set the business context and objectives, allowing teams to make informed decisions aligned with said goals. While our journey towards implementing this principle continues, it's not without its challenges, especially in training managers to consider factors like return on investment and risk versus reward. Nonetheless, striving for a culture where decision-making is decentralized and based on expertise is key to optimal outcomes.

How do you ensure Veriff's values and mission are reflected consistently in the culture?

Embedding values into your processes goes beyond just creating posters; it involves incorporating them into daily interactions. For instance, recognizing values champions and integrating values into performance evaluations can reinforce their importance. As our company evolves, it's crucial to ensure that our values remain relevant and are regularly assessed through tools like engagement surveys. What works for a Series A startup may not align with the needs of a larger, more established company, so it's essential to adapt and refine our values accordingly.

How does Veriff incorporate benefits that encourage work-life balance and well-being?

Designing benefits should align with the company's culture and operations. For example, in a fast-paced scale-up environment, mental health support is crucial due to the intensity of the work. Offering wellness budgets, sports and learning and development (L&D) funds can help employees manage their physical and mental well-being. Additionally, stock options or long-term incentive plans can provide a tangible way to share in the company's success. While competitive salaries are important, it's also essential to prioritize benefits that enhance the overall work experience, such as pension plans, healthcare, and opportunities for personal and professional development.

We have made it a priority to train our leaders, with the help of to notice and support team members who need mental health support. Attending mental health first aid training has given them skills to respond to problems correctly and in a timely manner, both as a person and as an organization.

What can we expect from Veriff's culture and people strategy in the next 12 months?

As a division, we're aligned with the company's ethos of innovation and experimentation. Rather than opting for out-of-the-box solutions, we prefer testing, iterating, and striving for optimal outcomes. Over the next five months, expect continuous experimentation and innovation as we work to make this company the best place to work. Stay tuned for exciting developments!

Veriff Voices

Listen to the full conversation with Luke and explore more Veriff Voices podcast episodes.