La nueva integración permite a las organizaciones automatizar operaciones, mejorar la eficiencia y proporcionar una experiencia de verificación de identidad fluida, ahorrando tiempo y recursos de desarrollo.
Crear un proceso de prevención de lavado de dinero (AML) se trata de encontrar el mejor equilibrio posible entre minimizar el riesgo financiero y reputacional, al tiempo que se evita la pérdida innecesaria de negocios.
Cuando un cliente abre una cuenta en una institución financiera, generalmente se realizan verificaciones de debida diligencia del cliente. Durante este proceso, se verifica la identidad del cliente y se evalúan los riesgos asociados con permitir que ese cliente abra una cuenta. Siga leyendo para descubrir por qué este proceso es importante para los bancos hoy.
Nuestro Informe de Fraude H1 2021 es una compilación de las percepciones que nuestro equipo especializado en fraudes ha encontrado hasta ahora durante la primera mitad de este año.
Kaarel Kotkas writes about the journey of Veriff, from the birth of the idea to our recently announced Series B funding of $69 million which will allow us to continue building the infrastructure for trust online.
In an increasingly virtual world, long-running sectors like banking are looking to embrace innovation, benefiting both businesses and customers. However, risks can come about in choosing the right technology, implementation, and guaranteeing efficiencies. Read on to discover common pitfalls and tips for success.
Bigger and bigger players are welcoming cryptocurrencies into the fold, integrating them as payment options, so who are the companies to keep an eye out for who'll happily take payment in crypto?
It’s a bumper edition of our product update this time, covering the last 3 months. Here’s what our intrepid Veriffians have been doing during these challenging times.
With the rise of remote recruitment, identity verification (IDV) tools are crucial resources for staffing firms. By working with Veriff, you can meet compliance demands around the globe while securing your business and gaining a competitive edge.
Anti-money laundering software is a versatile tool; some companies use it for data management purposes, others use it to monitor and flag suspicious financial activities. Read on to learn how it helps companies meet global compliance and key features of AML software.
We take a look into the nature of trust, the relationship between trustor and trustee that defines trust, and the way this evolves in the online world.
The actual process of monitoring transactions depends on the services your business provides. However, generally speaking, in order to monitor financial transactions, a company will create a rules-based system that’s based on their needs.
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